Well hello there! You have happened to stumble upon my blog! This blog is for all of you single ladies, and for those of you in relationships. . .My advice. It seems as women, we are constantly faced with all the struggles in the world; and more often than not, the haunting ghost known as MEN. Now, what does an 18 year old girl in the middle of nowhere, Colorado have to offer you? I mean, granite, I've only been able to snag myself one real/official boyfriend for the long extent of 5 months; however, I've had my share of crying friends and older sisters, to compensate for my lack of "experience". I would call myself a relationship guru, however, I'm not quite sure that's an adequate label. But. . . as a completely third party outsider to you're needs, devastation's, and gloating rights, I'm here! So soak it up :). I believe we're going to become fast friends. And I hope you can be as honest with me as I am with you. And if you're a dude reading this, listen up to what us ladies have to say! You may not like it, but you might actually get some really good tips! So auf-weidersehen for now! I'm so glad we got to meet.
P.S those of you who are wondering how you say my name... You pronounce it Lee-suhl. :) Okay! Have a GREAT day.
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