My dating life has never been super lucky. I mean granite, a girl at 18 shouldn't really have that much history or experience with boyfriends, but compared to the rest of my friends... I'm
still a little far behind.
It was this past summer, in June my boyfriend and I of 5 months had split up, and I was back on the menu so to speak. I began, I'm not sure if seeing is the correct term, but seeing if you will, this other guy. Things were pretty good, but he was leaving back to college at the beginning of August, and I would be finishing my last year of high school, so we stopped seeing each other as often. During this lull in our "relationship" I was befriended by a local boy who moved into town to attend the community college. I had seen him working in a local clothing shop a couple times before hand, but he never stroke up a conversation until now. He had all the right lines and things girls wanted to hear so I accepted a date with him.

There was a comet shower the night of our date so instead of doing something generic like dinner or a movie, we decided to lay on the hood of my car with blankets instead. Snuggled up underneath blankets, we talked and laughed and shared stories; but the funny thing is we weren't even
touching. It was a romantic evening and he seemed to be the perfect gentleman. The night was cooling down and my mom started ringing the bell to pack up and head home, so I drove him back to his ruckus at a parking lot down the hill.
"I had a really nice time tonight, and I'd love to go on a second date if you want to" He told me.
"Yeah a second date would be really nice" I replied.
"Call me when you get home?" I knew it wasn't a question, but I smiled back "Of course".
He then hesitantly leaned in, and kissed me. Nothing big or long, just a tiny peck on the lips.
"Okay," He abruptly stated as he started the bike. "I'll talk to you later."
"...Yeah..." I said getting into my car. That was a little weird.
We continued to see one another as the days progressed into weeks and so forth. He would text me every minute we weren't together, and continually persuaded me to visit him at work. "
You're so beautiful" "
Come visit me!" "
Babe, Dear, Sweetie, Love, Hun" he was almost too sweet.
"He's really nice" I skyped to my best friend who was studying abroad in Argentina. "Like almost too sweet!"
"Haha, Right? It's almost annoying how nice they are! But I'm happy for you, you deserve someone to actually treat you
like you deserve!"
And I was happy, I finally found a genuinely nice guy! Things started feeling more comfortable, and it seemed he almost made a priority that I fit in with his life style. I spent countless nights with him and his roommates cooking dinner, watching movies, and playing Mario Kart (which is a nightly ritual). He would introduce me to his friends or people he knew as "This is my girlfriend Liesl" even when we never talked about our status.
"I really like you and want to be exclusive with you," He would tell me. "I just want
you to want the same thing."
But I wasn't sure if I did at the time. I
did really like him, and he was totally sweet. I thought of him as my boyfriend. So why was it so hard to commit? My ex boyfriend and I were over, and so was I with the other guy who was back at college.
"I really like you too; let's just see how it goes." I would answer back.
The beginning of the school year was vastly approaching, and our relationship was vastly progressing. Things started feeling serious. We started talking about big subjects and started getting into that "groove" (everyone whose been in relationships know what I'm talking about). We were slowly getting out of the honey moon stage, and started getting into the "old comfortable shoe" area. We started picking things up with other aspects of our lives: School, friends, work. The text messages stopped being as endearing, the trips to his house became less and less enthusiastic.
"We need to move on in our relationship" I would find him say. "Get past the big elephant in the room." I think you all know what I'm talking about here, so I'm not even going to say it.
That I was definitely hesitant on, and it was a pretty big deal for me. We had only been seeing each other a couple of weeks, and although we felt comfortable with one another, I didn't want to risk it so early. We had talked about it, and he seemed fine with the fact I wanted to take things slow and not rush into anything, but lately he was getting antsy. . . and I could tell. I started shying away from the subject but it began being inevitable. Every single day it would get brought up and I was getting tired of arguing my case. Maybe it wasn't as big of a deal I was making it out to be? Maybe I was just being too cautious? Too selfish?
The school year officially started for the both of us, so talking as often went down to a pretty low minimum. Finally a weekend approached and we planned to hang out. He picked me up, and we drove over to his apartment. . . No roommates insight.
"They're stargazing up at the falls," he told me.
"Oh," I said. We sat down on the couch and started to cuddle. The tense-ness started melting away, and we began kissing.
"Let's go upstairs," he whispered into my ear and kissed my forehead.
"...Okay." I whispered back.
No one will no what happened after we went upstairs. . . Maybe we got over "the big elephant in the room" or maybe I said no, but before I knew it, I was back in my bed asleep at home. "I'll call you tomorrow," He said and kissed me as I got out of the car. He didn't look at me as I opened the door.
"Okay," I smiled.
Things, as I assumed, took a turn for the worst. The next day I didn't receive a call, or text. With any other guy, this would have totally been normal; but for him,
Not a good sign.
"He's probably just busy," I thought to myself. "Stop freaking out." But I couldn't help that pit in my stomach. A woman's intuition is really accurate. . . all the time.
Talking turned into one response conversations for 10 minutes, then silence for another day or two. This lasted about a week. Finally, I was through with the bullshit. I didn't care anymore, I just wanted to hear it and know.
This is done isn't it?
I'm just to busy for you and this right now.
Yeah I understand.
And that was the end of that. No "I'm sorry." No explanation. Just... three words. Awesome.

I don't really like confronting things or making big deals about little things. The last thing I wanted was to be the crazy "ex girlfriend" who was too dumb to "see it coming" but really, I
didn't see it coming at all. I didn't cry, or eat gallons of ice cream, and throw shit around my room. I messaged my bestfriend.
"Haha, can I come visit you?" I would always ask. Really dealing with the fact I was basically dumped on my ass wasn't that hard, just going through it alone was the hardest. It was on my mind, all the time.
Hey. I miss you, and could reeeaaalllyyyy use a hug right now. :(" I sent my ex boyfriend.
"Hey! Are you alright? I miss you too. College is pretty crazy. I have special hugs? I'd totally give you one if I could!" He'd reply. At least I had one... decent one... in the pumpkin patch. "
I can't really talk right now, and I'm not sure what's going on but I love you and call me tomorrow or something and we'll talk."
(Not Real Text Message) |
I never called back the next day but it was at least reassuring. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. My best friend came home from Argentina, Halloween, Thanksgiving. Time was flying by, but it was still hard getting past the mishap in September.
Finally mid December approached. One of my girl-friends had gotten a job at the same clothing shop he worked in. I had avoided going in after the incident, but finally, I was over it.
"It's my first day!" she said. "Dude come visit me!"
"Haha alright" I said.
"Okay, I work at 3."
I pulled up outside the store but I wasn't scared or nervous. I pulled my head up with confidence and put a smile on my face. It was a little after three, and I was going to call her to see if it was okay to stop in. I searched all around for my phone but couldn't find it. I left it at home charging when I was in a rush to get to class this morning.
Oh well. I got out of my car and made a strut into the store.
Please don't be working, please don't be working. I thought to myself as I entered the store and look around.
Of course. . . He's at the front counter. . . alone.
"Hey!" He smiled and looked suprised to see me. It was a happy/excited surprise though, not an "Oh shit" suprise I was expecting.
"Weird." I said to myself. "Um hey!" I smiled back. "...Is umm... Is emily here?"
His face dropped a little bit in disappointment. "Oh yeah.. uh. . . she's in back right now."
"Oh, ha" this was awkward. "I uh. . . she told me to come in and say hi." I shrugged.
"Well you should come back tomorrow. She's just training today so she wont be out on the floor really."
You can't just tell her to come out for 20 seconds?
"Oh. Um alright. I guess I'll be back tomorrow then" I said enthusiastically. "It was good too see you" I said walking out the door.
"Yeah," he called back. "I was really good seeing you too."
I got home and grabbed my phone to check all the text messages, calls, and emails I missed that day.
8 new text messages
I scrolled through the list, and to my surprise 4 were from him. . . from 9 am that morning.
I know you probably don't want to talk to me right now.
I just wanted to apologize for everything I did. I'm sorry for ever hurting you and treating you the way I did. I can understand if you don't want to talk to me, but I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you last night and realized how much of a jerk I am. I hope you can forgive me one day, and I hope we could be friends. I'm sorry for hurting you. I really am.
This was the reason for the excited/happy surprise demeanor. Ohhh this is awkward. I didn't know he sent that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You're laughing too, and that's okay. Well if you're wondering what happened next, I accepted his apology, and we moved on with our lives. We occasionally text one another, hang out (the rarest moments), and he gives me discounts when I need new clothes or buy something from the store. Attempting to be friends is difficult at times, but it's better than nothing, and I'm glad not to be bitter towards him anymore. If you're someone who knows me at all, being unhappy is not my strongest suit.