Monday, September 30, 2013

The College Code - More Like Guidelines Than Actual Rules

She's Alive

Hello readers :) Sorry I've been gone for so long! I've been adapting to my new, and exciting college lifestyle. As some of you may know, I'm attending the absolutely stunning University of Colorado, and it is better than I could ever imagine. However, when it comes to boys lets just put it simply: In the words of Dorothy, "We're not in High School Anymore"

As my first month here is coming to an end, I've started to learn and adopt some major guidelines when it comes to dealing with guys and girls (if you're a guy) in college. I've taken my newly found knowledge and broken it down! Here are some Do's and Don'ts for you! 


DO-Flirt with Random Guys/Girls at Parties- 

Majority of the time you're probably not going to see them again, or sometimes even remember them. Find someone that catches your eye and let lose a little! College is a time when you're free of your parents, free of previous judgements. You're starting a fresh slate, and that random person at a party is a good way to get yourself back out there. 

DON'T-Hookup with Said Random Guy/Girl at Party (on the first night) 

Yes, College is a beautiful place, where promiscuity is raging like it's Thursday night on the hill (Boulder reference), But hold off for a little while. If you're actually digging on this person, give them a kiss goodnight, exchange your numbers, whatever you wanna do. But don't be that girl or guy whose gonna be walking home with someone other than your friends or designated escort. A lot of times your judgement is going to be blurred, so be careful with what you're giving out there. And if you're at a frat; Don't be a "Frat Rat". 

DO-Have Fun in Your Dorm Room - 

Break in your room. Twin beds are extremely small to snuggle in but it's do-able. You finally have privacy! Sort of... (BE SURE TO WARN YOUR ROOMMATES!) If you're like me, and your parents never let you have sleepovers with your boyfriends, now is the time to get those moments back. What's better than spooning??? Yeah, Nothing I'm pretty sure. Okay a couple things. But it's still up there! Bring people home (after you've known them alright, lets not get to excited here) Have some fun, live a little! You're only in college, and even the dorms once. Make it memorable. 

DON'T-Leave Your Windows or Blinds Open if You Bring Someone Home - 

Don't make that mistake. You'll regret it for a very long time. Ha. 

DO-Make a Bucket List- 

Find places, scenarios, songs, etc. Life is suppose to be adventurous and spontaneous! Find that romantic place on campus, or walk up to that random person at a concert. If that song you always imagined making out with someone too comes on, for gods sake do it! I got to cross that one off at the most recent concert I was at. It was epic. So, I encourage you to do the same! 

DON'T-Hookup with Someone While Your Roommate is in the Room- 

I don't care how hard of a sleeper they are! Unless your room is absolutely ginormous and there's "space to breathe" write a little code on your board, shoot them a text, warn them! Imagine if they woke up, do you really want an audience? Keep it to yourself! I know for one I do NOT want to be a part of that at all. Uh-Uh,  No Thank you. Even if they're passed out, and don't wake up for anything. That's still freaking awkward on both ends. And then imagine if they found out- or worse. Woke up. Now that would be weird. Keep it in your pants for alone time. At least in the dorms. 

DO-Text/Call Someone You're Interested In/ Hooked-up With- 

Just because it's college doesn't mean everything should just be random. Call them back, hang out. See if there is something more to it. If you have a good time together, or had a good time together, you shouldn't just push it away for the fear of committing. If anything they could end up being a really good friend!

DON'T-Go Crazy about it Though- 

Be friendly, shoot them a hello. If they don't respond, It's college!! Unless you've put time and energy in this person, you'll probably find someone new later that night or in a couple days. Seriously. Calm down. There's thousands of people out there you're going to meet. 

DO-Try A Long Distance Relationship (If you're in one/thinking about it)-  

If you two were meant to be together, then despite how hard it is, things will always work out the way they're suppose to. Keep in contact, hopefully it's easier to see each other more regularly then not. Sometimes it can work out! I have faith in you people! 

DON'T-Exile Yourself From The World Due to Your Long Distance Relationship - 

College is about new experiences, new starts, new friends, and finding yourself. You will be meeting hundreds to thousands of people. Even though you're in a committed relationship, it doesn't mean you should be a hermit from the world. Talk to girls/guys- go to lunch or parties together. You'll never know what you're missing out on until you let yourself live a little. You might find out that what you're experiencing in your new life is better for you then trying to live in the past. 

DO-Have the Time of Your Life and Don't Regret!

Things in life happen, and college is the time in your life to be free, and wild. Be safe and cautious about your decisions. . . But do the things that make you happy! Relax and enjoy this amazing ride that we've gotten the opportunity to experience. 

Lastly --- On a side note --- always wear a life jacket. You never know whats running in that river. (:

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