This One's For You-
2013 has been one hell of a year, and I'm going to start with that. I went through the worst case of senior-itis I could possibly imagine, had basement parties, one where my parents $2,500 dollar bottle of wine was stolen (And yes, I will always remember that. You know who you are), almost failed AP Statistics, went on a week vacation to Costa Rica with 65 of the coolest people and parents around, graduated high school, worked full-time at my summer job, and most importantly, embarked on the greatest journey of my life known as: College.
I have lived in a small town, no bigger than maybe 15,000 people for 18 years of my life. Born and raised. There are people I have baby pictures with all the way up to senior prom and graduation. Main street is 11 blocks long, and no matter what hour of day you go to the super store, even 10:59 at night, there is a guarantee you will run into someone you know. Everyone knows everyone, everyone says Hi, and waves. There's a drugstore with an old-fashioned soda fountain, and farmers markets every saturday morning in the summer. We tube the river for fun, or ski in the day; go trash bag sledding down the mini-pipe at two in the morning because there is nothing better to do. One of your best friends is Netflix, and you can probably outdrink anyone new you meet because if you didn't graduate SSHS with an MIP you're probably a prodigy child, extremely lucky, or a fast runner.
The Wells Fargo parking lot was like the Walmart Parking lot, for any of you country fans out there. It was, and still is the heart of all high school meet-ups, or just a place to kill time and jam out in your car to classic rock while air-guitaring with your friends. Walgreens didn't appear on a corner until 2012; and Jamba Juice, Noodles and Co. Target and Panera Bread are basically inventions made by Jesus because the closest one for ANY of those is at least two hours away.
Growing up here was a bubble; Not much racial diversity, sexual diversity, or class diversity. Mostly everyone was the same. Throughout my lifetime here I changed groups of friends every couple years, but never losing touch with any. By senior year I belonged to a friend-group of at least 15 girls and counting, and everyone was closer than ever. 2013 united as one baby! As the options of college finally came to a surface it was apparent we were all headed in separate directions. The majority of us went out of state, the few including myself sticking to the homeland of Colorado.
CU Boulder. Maybe the most magnificent place on earth in my opinion. A gorgeous campus, a gorgeous backdrop, a gorgeous set of people (literally. Everyone at CU is good-looking. Am I right?).
First semester pushed me to new heights. It pushed me to make new friends, to succeed in my academics, and coming out after the too-short-of-months I've been there. . . I would say I came out on top. I made an amazing group of friends (SHOUT OUT TO ALL YA'LL I SURE DO LOVE EACH ONE OF YOU) made Dean's list, and most of all, made a new home.
Being away really changes your perspective on life. It forces you to grow in yourself and others. It tests you, and makes you ask yourself "Is this really what I need to be doing? Am I suppose to be here? Is this right?" You no longer have the shadow of parents over-looking your shoulders and guiding you. The only person guiding you is YOU. And that's a huge thing! For once in your life, you're completely your own life jacket, and it's sink or swim. Thankfully my parents made me take some swim lessons as a child.
Being back and entering a new year has made me realize a lot of things about myself and my life. Being back made me realize that I'm okay with not going to every single party while I'm here; that I'm okay with not seeing or talking to my friends 24/7; that hanging out with my parents and family is actually extremely enjoyable and rewarding; that sometimes your siblings can be a best friend in hiding, and that people can change and that's okay.
While packing to leave I finally came to terms with myself, that this time, it's more of a "goodbye" then a "see you later". While moving on with my life, and taking on new adventures and responsibilities, I guess I forgot about the fact leaving from this break is a last time "truly home", at least for a while. Choosing, at least hopefully, to find a new path over the summer was too exciting, and I never took the time to really enjoy the fact, this is no longer my life. I didn't take the time all break to stand on my porch and breathe in the fresh, crisp air. I didn't take time to watch the alpenglow on the mountain light the snow orange. I didn't take the time to appreciate "rush hour traffic" being no more than 10 minutes long, because lets be real, Steamboat only takes maybe 15 minutes to get from one side to the other with no traffic. But I also didn't take the time to really appreciate the relationships I have here that I'm more or less saying a goodbye to then see you later.
For all of you out here who just panicked. DO NOT FEAR!! I WILL BE BACK! But it wont be for a while. June it's looking like, but that's still a long time from now. Moving on in life is probably one of the most beautiful things that could happen. Don't get me wrong, leaving everything behind and starting anew isn't what I'm encouraging. . . But being okay with goodbyes over see you laters is kind of riveting, and well needed in life sometimes. I guess looking back on my year, and even life in this small little colorado town, I've finally found peace in goodbyes, and that's a beautiful thing I think.
However, for now, I will not say goodbye to you; But rather a very long and extended "See you later". Despite what my heart knows, wants, and needs. . . There will be always be a constant little reminder and smile remembering the fond memories I've had here, and the ones I've yet to make somewhere else.
Happy 2014 everyone :) Let's make this a good one.
15,000 page view you guys!?!?!?! GAH I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you so so so much for your support, and for actually reading my blog! Can't wait to entice your reading senses with more for this coming year!! XOXO <3 KEEP READING AND ROCKING ON!
Me :)
I also go to CU :) We should meet up sometime and hang out. You should also check out my blog: