Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Language of Love

I love you. Ti Amo. Je T'aime. S'agapo. Te Quiero. Ich Libe Dich. 

No matter what language you speak, The phrase "I love you" is probably the most powerful of them all. The word love has no context, yet so much context at the same time. It's a word we cherish- fantasize about. 
But. . . Love is more than just a word. It's a feeling, a state of being. It's a euphoric content-ness with someone or something other than yourself. It's so broad, and I think it's really amazing. 
Sure you can love things like food or your favorite TV show. You love your family and your friends just as much as you would love your significant lover; It's just in different ways. LIKE THERE'S SO MANY TYPES OF LOVE!! 

My friends and I tell each other we love each other all the time. Am I in love with my friends? Absolutely not. But if you really think about it, it's crazy how much we can care about people other than ourselves. I would do anything for some of my friends. It's really amazing, with mine, we're all so close, and there's about 14 of us give or take a few. THAT'S A LOT OF PEOPLE! But I never give it a second thought when we say "Bye love you." It's just a fact. It's the same as if they were looking smoking and one of us said "Oh boo you look great tonight." Second nature. But why then,  do things change drastically when it comes to being In love? 

My mother always told me that when I fell in love it would be nothing but rainbows and sunshine. As cliche as that sounds, I believe her one-hundred percent. At the moment, I have no expertise really in that department, but seeing people I know, it's a completely accurate statement. 

They're happy. Nothing ever goes wrong. When I see people and they're fighting all the time, or getting in arguments, but state they're in love, I can't help but shake my head. Love is when you see the person for who they are, and it's unconditional. The things they do that aggravate you shouldn't even be relevant. Hell, there shouldn't even be things that aggravate you for a while. It's not love when you're fighting all the time, or there are bumps on the road. That's infatuation. It's similar feeling, but as a whole it's sooooo different. 

Infatuation is what people think is love. You're enamored with the person, but there are still things that drive you crazy. I've been infatuated with people before. It's an amazing feeling. I thought it was love too. But as you take time away you'll realize it wasn't. I have so many friends and people tell me "I think I'm in love with them Lies." But then later that afternoon they're fighting again. Or friends tell me "I'm in love with them, but they don't feel the same." You aren't in love! Infatuation is what makes "Love" one sided or when you feel in love with someone, and they don't reciprocate the same feelings. 

Love isn't one sided. You can disagree with me all you want on that statement, but It's not. You can't be in love with someone if they aren't in love with you. I've learned that. The euphoric content-ness has to be equal between both parties. There have been times I thought I was in love with people. Times I remember not being able to hold my excitement. I gossiped to my girlfriends about it. But then I realized they didn't feel as strongly as I did; and I'll tell you what, I sobered up from those feelings faster than you can say potassium. The fact they didn't feel the exact same way I did brought me out of the high, and fast. 

That's why I believe you should never say "I love you" unless your certain. With friends it's different. But when it comes to relationship, the three word phrase, can completely change the game. Love is a feeling you'll know when it arrives; Like a big red truck as I always say. It just hits you. My sister and her current boyfriend knew they were in love maybe three weeks into seeing each other? And they've been together approaching four years now. When you know you know. But don't tell someone you love them if you don't. It can ruin a lot of things. Scare people away, and make them feel uncomfortable. But don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to scare you into never saying it! But just make sure you're ready. Take time and think about it. Love is a beautiful thing. But if there is any other feelings going on beside total happiness, Evaluate and hold off from 1-4-3. 

I'm a very loving person. Sometimes the love inside my friendship makes me want to cry from happiness. If I love you, even just as a person, I'm going to tell you. I will say "Bye I love you!" Or laugh and say "Ha... I love you." But doing that one night, really ruined a relationship of mine. It drove them away. Although I didn't mean it in that scary "I'm in love with you way" They took it that way. It was hard, but maybe it was needed. I was completely infatuated. Sometimes I did feel the L word creeping in, but I knew neither of us were ready for a commitment like that. But then saying it one night leaving a friends house,  the hug grew stiff, the words were jumbled in response. 

My point is, Love people. Tell them you love them. But don't tell them you're In Love With Them unless you are 100% positive you are. And if you're in a relationship and love them as a person, if you want to express that, clarify what you mean so it doesn't confuse anything. 

I love you is powerful. Use it wisely.